Vegan World Trip
Vegan World Trip

Plant-based trends olé – welcome to Spain!
Beautiful beaches, cities steeped in history and ancient traditions – Spain is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations. Add to that the Balearic and Canary Islands, which are top-tier tourist magnets in their own right. The culinary delights of these regions are certainly among their highlights as well. Away from the uniform tourist gastronomy, there’s actually a lot to discover. And we’re not talking about sangria and schnitzel. 😉 Nor are the party strips representative of a country rich in cultural heritage, history and traditions. So what is food really like in this country, which is much more…
Hot, hot, hot – Mexico wishes you ¡buen provecho!
Story: Hot, hot, hot – Mexico wishes you ¡buen provecho!Depending on your preference, a vacation to Mexico can mean white beaches, visits to ancient ruins and Mayan temples like Chichén Itzá or Palenque, adventures in the jungle, or exploring vibrant, lively cities. But that’s not all – this country at the juncture between Northern and Central America also has plenty of mountain ranges, semi-deserts and sites bearing witness to the colonial era. You’ll be hard pushed to find another country offering so much variety. And, of course, the culinary highlights are among the top reasons to take a trip to Mexico. Did you know that UNESCO has declared Mexican…
Plant-based indulgence drenched in Greek sunshine
Story: Plant-based indulgence drenched in Greek sunshineGriechenland – alles Fleisch & Fisch, oder was? Weit gefehlt! Auch wenn Fleisch und Fisch in der traditionellen griechischen Küche natürlich eine Rolle spielen, ist Griechenland ein überraschend gut geeignetes Reiseland für Veganer:innen. Egal ob in Athen oder Thessaloniki, ob auf einer der traumhaften Inseln oder sonst wo am Festland von Peloponnes und Pilion, pflanzlich schlemmen macht hier richtig Spaß! Wir zeigen dir wie. Und wenn dich zu Hause der Heißhunger auf griechische Köstlichkeiten überkommt, erfährst du hier die besten Veganisierungen deiner Lieblingsgerichte. Viele Veganfans erinnern sich noch an „früher“, als sie beim Griechen um die Ecke der Mittelmeerküche gefrönt…
Vegan-Yum in Vietnam
Story: Vegan-Yum in VietnamOur journey will take us from the cool regions in the north of Vietnam, on the border with China, to the humid south of the country. Our search for the best plant-based delicacies that this wonderful region has to offer will take us to a country which meanders its way along the coast of southeast Asia, and is often unfamiliar even to the most experienced of travelers to the Asian continent. Vietnam, which is surrounded by China, Laos and Cambodia, is a country of contrasts. From the buzzing metropolises of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon)…
S is for South Tyrol
Story: S is for South TyrolThe region of South Tyrol in northern Italy really is picture perfect! It is a region of superlatives, and many people come here because of the incredible natural landscapes. The valleys around Bolzano and Merano can be wonderfully charming. They will beguile you with apple blossom everywhere in springtime, with lush green in the summertime accompanied by the sound of cowbells from the neighboring Alpine pastures, and with ripe grapes from numerous grape vines in the fall. And once you get to the mountains, things get even more spectacular. Breathtaking peaks, raging mountain streams bubbling with clear water, and snow-covered…
Plant-based feasting in France
Story: Plant-based feasting in FranceCoq au vin! Meat dishes! An endless variety of cheeses! When we think of French cuisine, those are perhaps the first things that spring to mind. So not exactly rosy or green prospects if you want to go on a vegan tour of the neighbouring country. Or maybe they are? Admittedly, the percentage of vegan French people is still quite low. And life is not made especially easy for vegan producers in the land of gourmets. For example, vegan substitute products are not allowed to have meat descriptions in their names. It would appear that they are even stricter than…
India – popular travel destination for vegans
Story: India – popular travel destination for vegansIndia is a country that stimulates all our senses. Indian cities are loud, the streets are crowded, it’s hot, often dirty, and there are smells that can take some getting used to if you’re European. Few countries have given me as big of a culture shock as India did – even though I’m proud to say I have over 70 stamps in my passport. At the same time, very few countries have touched my soul as deeply. It was in India that my journey from carnivore to vegan began. While I was preparing for my trip, a good friend of…
Sicilian Vegan Cuisine
Story: Sicilian Vegan CuisineWelcome to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands, a paradise of Mediterranean aromas and scents – especially for vegan cuisine! Mount Stromboli, the omnipresent Mount Etna and many other volcanoes have crafted beautiful landscapes out of the sea and brought about some of the most fertile ground there is. Let’s take a closer look at these picturesque islands, and dive into their multi-faceted cuisine! The geographical location of Sicily and the Aeolian Islands makes them very special: Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean and is located to the southeast of Italy, almost on the same latitude as Africa. The…
Tasty Levant
Story: Tasty LevantThis time, our VEGAN WORLD TRIP is taking us to the beautiful Levant region: the land bridge between Africa and Eurasia, and a culinary melting pot. This has always been a place where scents, spices and flavors from all over the world collide and blend. Few other regions in the world have been shaped by as many cultures or as much history as the Levant, which spans the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and its hinterlands; that is to say what is today Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, the autonomous Palestinian territories, in addition to the southern Turkish province of…
Flavors of Thailand
Story: Flavors of ThailandMy first really good Thai curry is something I’ll never forget. It was some time around the turn of the millennium, and it so happened that life had gifted me a bit of time between finishing school and starting what I was planning to do next. I knew I wanted to use this time to get to know the rest of the world a bit better. So, as was all the rage in the early 2000s, I booked a flight to Bangkok. As soon as I arrived at Don Mueang Airport, I felt the culture shock that every tourist experiences…